There is such a strong connection between breath and good sex.  I’ve written about it before in previous blogs and if you are a client or want to be a client, you’ll know that we work a lot on deep breathing and meditation.

At the 2017 American Association for the Society of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) Conference, Charlie Glickman (2017)  presented on somatic work with clients.  He stated the following statement:

“The key to really good sex is not technique: it’s breath movement and sound”.

Anyone who practices yoga or meditation will know about deep, rhythmic breathing.  And breath is a fundamental foundational exercise in the practices of tantra and orgasmic meditation. It’s an easy way to bring mindfulness, awareness, and connection to oneself and a partner.  Here is a GIF demonstrating a basic deep breathing technique.  Try it and follow along:


I know what you might be thinking?  Good sex is so much more COMPLICATED than the breath- that breath and good sex might be connected but it isn’t that strong of a relationship.  I’ll challenge y0ur thinking on that by offering you a couple exercises to try with your partner next time you express yourself sexually.

 Deep Breathing Exercise (Solo or within a Relationship)

Sit or lay comfortably, either alone prior to a solo sexual session or prior to a partner(s) session.  Do deep, rhythmic breathing, or what this video calls “belly breathing”.  We suggest for 3-5 minutes and if you have a difficult time with it, do a guided breathing exercise (easily found on podcast app or this other video below.

Tantric Breathing: Breathing in Unison

Sit across from your partner comfortably so you can look into your partners eyes, some partners like to sit crossed legged, knee to knee, and some need more support from pillows and chairs.  Be comfortable- you will do this exercise for five minutes so I suggest you setting a timer.  Sit across from your partner and gaze into their eyes.  For five minutes, I want you to match each others breath while gazing into each others eyes.  Generally, one person will need to breath deeper than the others, because our lung capacity is different.  Try to breath deep together, increasing air flow and connectivity.  For more information, see my blog on Tantra Sexuality: Weaving Spirit and Sex

Tantric Breathing: Alternating Breath

Like the exercise above, but alternate breath: when one of you inhales, the other exhales. Do this for five minutes.


If you’d like to learn more about how to have Good Sex, listen to my podcast and the episodes dedicated to Good Sex at (

breath photo