Tag Archives: bdsm

Furries, Therians, Pets and Pups

Rhiannon no comments

#Furries #Therians #Pets and #Pups My #FetishFriday segments touch upon furries and pony play but I wanted to dive a little deeper into the topic of furries, therians, pets, and pups as well as pony play in order to reach out to a large group of folks that might be

Kink and Domestic Violence

Rhiannon no comments

The relationship between kink and domestic violence can get really, really, really fuzzy depending on who you ask.  You don’t have to throw the stone very far to find folks who misunderstand the kink community and might quickly make a judgment that a BDSM relationship is abusive and violent.  You

5 Tips for Getting Started in the Kink and BDSM Lifestyle

Rhiannon no comments

Are you thinking about getting started in the kink and BDSM lifestyle? That’s exciting!  As a certified sex therapist at SexTherapy-Online, I can help you explore this exciting world to see if it is the right fit for you and have just a few “getting started” tips as you test

Five Sexual Products I Can’t Live Without

Rhiannon no comments

This might be a little bit of a topical blog, but I often write about really serious stuff, and here I just want to tell you about the five sexual products I can’t live without.  Let’s just have some fun and I’ll tell you why I like them. Uberlube I